Monday, February 24, 2020

Listening Log (Classical Music) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Listening Log (Classical Music) - Essay Example The harmonies alternate between tonic and dominant as the volume swells. This composition continues in a continuous increase in pianistic bravura and energy highlighted in dominant and tonic harmonies (Aichberger & Roenneke 7:49). There are modulations that are restricted to C sharp major and the softened median A major. The composition at 6mins 10 secs to 7 mins 20 secs expresses a jubilant and playful theme by the swift tones. An instance of calm mood exists at 8mins 43 secs in the F sharp minor key that is overtaken by the final hurly-burly sound. As the music comes closer to a conclusion, there is a massive crescendo of prestissimo octaves, going up and down the whole area of the keyboard that finalizes the piece in a splendid way (Aichberger & Roenneke 9:42). In conclusion, the use of different keys makes this piece unique; in that the dominant and tonic harmonies are utilized to intensify the first theme of somber and dark mood. To highlight the second theme, minor tonality is used to bring contrast to the second theme, which is jubilant. The keys alternate in a clear manner that portrays the great classical music of

Saturday, February 8, 2020

Commentary Essay Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Commentary Assignment - Essay Example It is believed that cannabis was used during religious ceremonials of the early ethnic groups of people. Shamans and sacerdotes in the ancient times used cannabis to become more religiously enlighted. Cannabis has an effect on the mind and body senses of a person who uses it. Most general and comfortable way to use cannabis is to smoke its dry leaves like tobacco. Cannabis is usually smoked with pipe, hookah, bong or joints (small hand rolling cigars). Usually person who smoke cannabis appear to feel euphory, think in a more philosophical and self-insight way. Individual under the influence of cannabis also has a more receptive feelings especially towards perception of information and food or drinks. If person for example likes music then his listening to the favourite song before smoking cannabis and after will be different. Food seems more pleasant as well as all other kinds of nice things like hot shower, sexual intercourse, reading a book, watching a movie etc. Cannabis influence brain directity and hit receptors which influence emotional, psychic and behavioural condition of an individual. All desirable effects of cannabis like euphoria, sense of pleasentness, more perceptive feelings and other dissappear within a couple of hours after cannabis was used. Though it is a light drug and if talking medically in fact not even a drug it has some bad effects. These bad effect are usually of a long term and depend on the regularity of smoking cannabis and the amount of product smoked. Among negative long-term effects are loss of concentration, clow reaction, sleepliness, inactivity and passive reaction towards the irritants of the environment. However this negative effects do not have somehow significantly negative influence and they appear only if cannabis is used too regularly and in a huge portions. It is also clinically proved that without further using of cannabis such negative effects vanish with no trace of